Who We Are

The Center for Brain and Behavior in Haifa

The human brain is what makes us who we are. Undoubtedly, it is the most complex organ in the body. Understanding how the brain functions involves studying its molecular, cellular, functional, behavioral, evolutionary, computational, and medical aspects. The interdisciplinary nature of brain sciences contributes to understanding the continuum from molecules to cells to behavior. Developing brain science research can undoubtedly impact human society in many ways. Applications of brain research can lead to new treatments for various diseases and the prevention of psychopathology, as well as enhancing human functions such as creativity, emotional and cognitive abilities – the capability to handle many of the challenges presented by our world.

Our Unique Approach

The multidisciplinary approach of brain researchers in Haifa spans a wide range of fields, from understanding basic molecular and cellular mechanisms to studying how the brain controls cognitive, emotional, developmental, educational, and social behavioral aspects, as well as the brain mechanisms underlying various mental illnesses.

Brain scientists at the University of Haifa lead academically in many areas such as memory and learning, emotions, social behavior, and understanding the basis of various mental illnesses such as trauma, depression, and schizophrenia. Researchers in Haifa have led significant discoveries that have contributed to improving our understanding of brain functions and structure.

Given our unique emphasis on both the brain and behavior, the center supports educational programs at all levels and provides a research community composed of scientists from various departments, united by interests in behavior and brain sciences. The center supports research centers and groups made up of faculty, post-doctorates, and students at all degree levels.