Prof. Shlomo Wagner
Affiliation Faculty / Department:
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Sagol Department of Neurobiology, IBBRC
Academic Background:
I did my graduate studies in Neurobiology at the Hebrew University under the supervision of Prof. Yosef Yarom. I did my post-doctoral project at the Molecular and Cellular Biology Department of Harvard University under the supervision of Prof. Catherine Dulac. Since 2006 I am a faculty member in the Sagol Department of Neurobiology at the University of Haifa.
Research Interests:
My laboratory explores molecular, neuronal and network mechanisms underlying social behavior of rodents. Specifically, we aim to reveal modified brain activity leading to impairments in social behavior, such as those found in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this direction, we use genetic mouse and rat models of ASD, characterize the deficits in social behavior exhibited by them and explore the modified brain activity which accompanied these deficits. Additionally, we explore the brain oxytocin and vasopressin systems and the ways by which they modulates rodents’ social behavior. For these proposes, we have developed a wide repertoire of research methodologies, including novel experimental systems, analysis tools, behavioral paradigms, in vivo and in vitro electrophysiological techniques and various molecular tools.
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