Dr. Hanin Karawani

Email: hkarawani@staff.haifa.ac.il
Affiliation Faculty / Department: Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences. Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. AudioNeuro Lab.
Academic Background: Dr. Karawani-Khoury is a clinical audiologist, finished her PhD in auditory training in older adults with and without age-related hearing loss. Her post doc she finished at the University of Maryland, USA, in Neuroscience. She joined the faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in 2018.
Research Interests: Her AudioNeuro lab investigates brain plasticity and auditory processing across the life span using perceptual, cognitive and electrophysiological measures. She is interested in neuroplasticity following altered sensory experience induced by auditory training, hearing rehabilitation or experience of bilingualism.
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